MF - Piranha - 2010 - HD 720p

Lake Victoria's annual Spring party by 50,000 young revelers is about to turn into a feeding frenzy with prehistoric hunger-pains. With knee-trembler's above the waves and tremors below, released from their dormant sleep, thousands upon thousands of flesh-eating nippers are released into the lake with whetted appetites and razor-sharp teeth. With a motley crew of strangers thrown together to defend these shores, it is now up to them to prevent the largest eat-out in human, and piranha, history.


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MF - Piranha - 2010 - HD 720p

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1 comment:

  1. Bạn ơi! Tớ k thấy file 001. Bạn kiểm tra lại giúp. Cảm ơn bạn nhiều

