MF - Face Off - 1997 - 720p BluRay

Sean Archer, a very tough, rugged FBI Agent. Who is still grieving for the dead son Michael. Archer believes that his son's killer is his sworn enemy, a very powerful criminal, Castor Troy. One day, Archer has finally cornered Castor, however, their fight has knocked out Troy cold. As Archer finally breathes easy over the capture of his enemy, he finds out that Troy has planted a bomb that will destroy the entire city of Los Angeles and all of its inhabitants. Unfortunately the only other person who knows its location is Castor's brother Pollux, and he refuses to talk. The solution, a special operation doctor that can cut off people's faces, and can place a person's face onto another person. Archer undergoes one of those surgeries to talk to Pollux. However, Castor Troy somehow regains consciousness and now wants revenge on Archer for taking his face. Not only is Troy ruining Archer's mission...

Face Off 1997 720p BluRay

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Face Off 1997 720p BluRay

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MF - Face Off - 1997 - 720p BluRay

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  1. Mình thấy bạn có nhìu film bản đẹp nhưng có thể dịch nội dung để dễ tham khảo đc ko bạn!
    thank nhiều!

  2. Phim minh toan lay gioi thieu tren imdb nen lam bieng dich lam ^m^

  3. Bạn ơi thiếu mất part 36 bạn up dùm mình được ko ?

